Toddlers and 2-Year Old Programming
"I'm just a kid, I have a lot of stuff to do yet."
~ Clint Eastwood
Our commitment to quality care continues in our Toddler and 2-year old rooms. Children at this age are eager learners who energetically interact with materials and people. We at the center realize that an environment and curriculum that encourages each child's growing need of independence is a basis for developing and mastering life skills and a positive self esteem. By playing in both large and small groups, these children will learn valuable social skills needed to effectively interact with others. While engaging in fun activities toddlers and 2-year olds will discover their likes and talents and will be exposed to fundamentals such as: colors, shapes, self-help skills, as well as social and language development.
Children under the age of 2 years old will have a notebook system for direct communication with their teacher(s). In this notebook the teacher will log the daily activities, feedings and the rest times of your child. Parents will be asked to list pertinent information that will ensure the individualized schedule of each child is up-to-date, to inculde but not limited to: the last time your child ate, slept and was changed, as well as mood and sleeping patterns of the night before. Parents of 2-year olds will find daily information posted in the Parent Area of the room.
Arts for Kids has an individualized program for the needs of children ages of
6-weeks to 2-years old.
All children will have individual contact and attention through feeding, diapering and learning experience.
Each child will follow their individual routine of feeding and sleeping set by their home environment.
The children will be provided with equipment to fit their educational development and creative expression appopriate to their age level.
Daily communication with parents:
~ A notebook for each child under two years of age will be sent home with parents summarizing child's activities.
Parents will bring back notebook with information for teachers.
Staff will ensure that throughout the day infants will be moved into different activities.
Potty Training Policy
If parents and the center are in agreement that a child is developmentally ready, Arts for Kids will begin to encourage potty training at age 2.
At 2-1/2 years old age, regular potty training is part of our daily program and routine. Children will be encouraged to wear pull-ups or underwear (depending on progress) and have plenty of extra pull-ups or underwear on hand. They will be taken to the bathroom every 2 hours (possibly more often at the beginning). If a child is wearing underwear, they will be put in a pull-up or diaper for naps, unless completely trained. We will use lots of praise for a "job well done" and lots of understanding when "accidents happen" if a child has a rough day.
Sometimes potty training can happen overnight and sometimes it can be a long process - we just need to have a lot of patience.

February 2025 News!
Toddler I
What a crazy month we had. We said goodbye to some friends who moved up to Toddler II and said hello to Athena and Atticus. We are happy to have you! We wish Ms. Karen well and a speedy recovery. We sure miss you and hope you come back soon!
In February we will do things with Love & Valentine’s Day in mind. We will also talk about and do activities involving dentists and our teeth.
Have a Happy and Loveable February.
Toddler I Classroom
Toddler II
Happy February!
Last month due to the weather we did not get out as much as we wanted to. But with the warmer weather we hope to be outside as much as possible! We also plan on doing some fun Valentines crafts and having a small party. Our themes this month are: Candy, Valentine’s Day, Colors, and Flowers.
Ms. Kenzie and Ms. Tina
Toddler III
Hi families! January was a whirlwind! We said goodbye to Piper as she moved up to Toddler 2, and we welcomed Theodore to our little class. I can’t wait to see all the amazing things they’ll do in their new rooms.
The weather is finally warming up, so we’re excited to get outside again! Please remember to bring snow gear to keep our little friends warm while they play. Even without snow, we always wear snow pants, boots, jackets, hats, and mittens.
February is a month full of love, family, and friendships, so our themes this month will be: Hearts, Valentine’s Day, Friendship, and Kindness. I’d love to have a small Valentine’s Day party on the 14th, so please let me know if there are any special snacks you’d like to
send in for our friends to enjoy!
As always, feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Ms. Erica
2's I
Happy February!
Some things that we are working on in my classroom are: using a spoon, drinking out of a cup, sitting in a regular chair, gentle hands, sharing toys with friends, being gentle to our books, and flipping our coats on. Our themes last month were: New Years, Winter Animals, Snowmen, Snow/snowflakes, and Winter Sports. The kids had a blast with the New Year’s hats and noise makers. They loved making snowmen with paint. They enjoyed talking about winter animal and playing the matching games.
Our themes this month are: Dental, Valentine’s Day, Dinosaurs, and I am going to do 2 weeks of Dr. Seuss. We will be having a Valentine’s Day party where the kiddos can exchange valentines with each other. I will have a sign up sheet; if anyone would like to bring a treat to the party, that would be greatly appreciated.
Also, parents please make sure that your child has extra clothes, boots, hats, mittens, and a coat in their cubby. We do go outside twice a day, zero degrees and up. Please check your child's cubby for important paperwork/artwork. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to message me on the parent app or you can talk to me personally.
I hope everyone has a wonderful month.
Ms. Ashley
Yay, we survived the first month of 2025!
I am excited to keep moving forward in the new year and hopefully get rid of so many illnesses. We started off the new year by talking about arctic animals. We loved reading books about the wonderful animals that like the cold. We got to use our creativity and smear shaving cream and food coloring onto a narwhal and we also practiced our shape recognition by matching the shape animals. The next week our theme was snowman/snow. We loved playing in the sensory bin with the “fake snow”. We used our eye-hand coordination skills to paint with Q-tips to make a snowy tree. The following week we loved learning /acting like penguins. Our favorite was waddling all over the room. This week we used a lot of our large motor skills because we had to stay inside due to the cold. We jumped in the hallway, played musical chairs, bounced the “snowballs“ off the parachute and did a lot of dancing. We really enjoyed our penguin treat we all patiently made. The last week of January we got to learn all about our five senses. We smelled a bunch of different things, we got to hear a lot of different noises, touch different textures, see new things, and taste a delicious smoothie. This month is dental month so we will be practicing brushing our teeth in the classroom. We also have our Valentine’s days party so please keep an eye out for the great sign up sheet. I hope everyone stays warm and healthy this month and as always if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.
Ms. Laura
Hello families and welcome to February in 2’s III!
We got the new year off to a great start last month as we learned about Wisconsin animals in winter, snowmen/snow, penguins, and the 5 senses.
We had so much fun using our fine motor skills to create with a variety of items such as stickers, sponges, finger-paint, and colored pencils. We even made snowmen using crackers, cream cheese, and pretzels! We also did do a dots activities, pretended to feed penguins using tongs, and did tracing activities with dry erase markers.
We used our social skills as we built with blocks and connectors, made each other pretend meals, danced together, and took turns when we did snowball tossing and bowling .
We used our language skills to sing songs, talk about what Wisconsin animals do in winter, answer the question of the day, talk about what things we like to do on snowy days, talk about penguins, learn theme related sign language, and discuss each of our 5 senses.
We used our gross motor skills to play listen and move games, had dance parties, did yoga, and played with scooters and hula hoops.
As we head into this new month, we will be doing many activities that help build on our social and emotional skills. We will be having a Valentine’s Day party on the 14th – treats are appreciated but please do not feel obligated. I will have a class list available if you would like to bring in Valentines.
If you have any questions or concerns about your child, please don’t hesitate to ask. Hope you have a wonderful month!
Ms. Sara B. & 2’s III